About me

In some words...

Professional Profile: I'm developer and IT systems engineer, now I work in a great company, in the implementation and upgrade of radiology information systems (RIS/PACS), This job is very interesting and dynamic, because I use many technologies and talk with many people of differents areas (for example doctors, nurses, technician and more). In the development I like work with Java and Python creating new applications or studing new technologies (IA and machine learning for example). For more details of my professional experience you can visit my LinkedIn profile.

Personal Profile: I'm brother, husband and father, I love ride my bike or walk with my dog long distances on the mountains, I live in Santiago of Chile, we have here many nationals park and many mountains with easy access. My favorite events sports are MotoGP, because I like the motorcycles in special the sports bikes and cycling races. I have many hobbies as read science fictions books, astronomic books and others (Game of thrones XD), make models, build many things for the house and the garden, so, I havn't lost the time. I love my family, I have a great wife and the best son.


Professional experience

I have a some experience mainly on software development and projects management

Today my focus are on healthcare services, working in the leader company of this area specifically radiology and enterprise imaging systems. In the pasts I did work in other industries how to education, marketing, market studies and financial services.


Personal hobbies & projects

I have a many interest over many hobbies and projects related with the technology

I love ride my bike is one of the main hobby now, I have many others hobbies and personal projects, I try to keep my mind occupied with a lot of ideas. The artificial intelligence is one of the most interesting areas for me, and how to include this techniques in the applications is in study by me now. Read books is other of my favorite hobbies with focus now on topics of emotional intelligence, leadeship and how to improvee in this areas


Some personal projects

This are my last personal proyjects on progress

Data Science

Using techniques of exploratory data analysis for improved efficiency in support customer services.

Java JSF Web apps

Development web apps using Java JSF with Primefaces UI Framework.

Deep Learing

Studing deep learning techniques for conceptual test of application on processing medical DICOM images and detect cancer lung.

IBM Watson IA

Conceptual tests using Watson AI Assistant to improve the user experience when need support for use an web apps

Tiny house planning

This is an crazy project for planning my tiny house in the mountains

Security in Web apps

Best practices for create web apps more secure using new standard, for example OpenID